Lakefront Brewery Week: White Beer
Here’s something odd: as I write this, Lakefront Brewery’s page for their White Beer is blank. Not completely blank—there’s a header and the logo and menu stuff at the top—but the content area is empty. Not sure what to make of it—just big white space for the White Beer?
Yeah, not so much.
Anyway, this is their Belgian Witbier styled offering, brewed with coriander and orange peel and unfiltered. According to RateBeer it’s 5.25% alcohol by volume.
I’d like to tell you more about this beer, but since there’s nothing on the website, I’ll just have to leave you with my tasting notes.
Appearance: Hazy straw (pale) yellow, with a crisp white head.
Smell: Delicately floral with coriander and lemongrass; lightly wheaty.
Taste: Grassy wheat with a hint of sourness and the delicate, crisp bite of coriander. A touch of bitterness. Light and tasty with the right level of sour fruitiness.
Mouthfeel: Light and refreshing, with a nice body from the unfiltered yeasty haze.
Overall: Very tasty, and the unfiltered aspect is excellent (I’ve had other Wits that are filtered—not as good). Would be perfect (naturally) on a hot summer day.
On BeerAdvocate, it scores a grade of B+. On RateBeer, it scores 3.29 out of 5, and is in their 68th percentile.