Advent Beer Calendar 2020: Day 6: Hair of the Dog Brewing Doggie Claws
December 6 is Saint Nicholas Day, the feast day in many western European countries celebrating Nicholas of Myra, from which “Santa Claus” is derived. As befitting a day dedicated to Santa Claus, today’s beer Advent pick is Doggie Claws, from Portland, Oregon-based Hair of the Dog Brewing.
Doggie Claws is an American-style barleywine brewed with dark wildflower honey collected from the slopes of nearby Mt. Hood. It’s a big bottle conditioned beer that will keep well in the beer cellar as well as toasting old St. Nick right now. It’s a terrific beer and one well worth seeking out each year. Here’s the brewery’s description:
Doggie Claws is a Barley Wine made in the West Coast style. Big malt and hops make this copper colored ale one of our most popular products. Produced in September and October and released in November, this Beer will improve for years to come. Alcohol: 11.5% by volume. IBU’s 70.
Hair of the Dog brewmaster and founder Alan Sprints offered a special note about this beer:
As a boy Brewers were known to produce a special year end brew, sometimes a barleywine. These were the type of beers that captured my interest and led me to become a Brewer. This years bottling marks my 20th year producing Doggie Claws and it is special to me in many ways. Not only doesn’t mark the end of the brewing year, it gives me a link with history. When I first taste the new batch after bottling I am immersed in hop flavor. It’s like walking through a forest. As it ages the hop aroma fades first, but the flavor and bitterness stay for years. Providing a balance to the growing caramel flavors. This beer continues to evolve with time and is a good choice for aging.
Find Hair of the Dog Brewing Doggie Claws on:
Image credits: Top image, HotD’s Facebook group page; others, website