Advent Beer Calendar 2013: Day 11: Fleurac Bière De Noël
Today we visit France to explore the beer from a relatively-new brewery, La Brasserie de Fleurac, opened in 2008. Fleurac’s inspiration in their brewing stems from multiple sources—Belgium and the U.S. among them (their La Blonde is a California-inspired pale ale, for instance, spiced with elder flowers), and offer a line-up worth seeking out.
Accordingly the pick for today is their La Bière de Noël (alternatively Bière d’Hiver, “Winter Beer”) which is based on their Tripel beer and spiced with ginger root. It’s 8% abv and from Fleurac’s notes (adapted from their English and French versions):
Strong, lively but never sickly and with a long finish at room temperature. Served chilled, the beer express a sharp and well marked first impression. Well-rounded, full body but never cloying. Nice and subtle blend between ginger and hop flavors.
Peppery warmth due to Ginger. Definitely a tasting beer.