Advent Beer Calendar 2007: Day 14: Redoak Christmas Cheer
At some point I wanted to pick an Australian beer for the Advent Calendar, as I hadn’t yet featured one this year or the previous two. So today’s pick comes from the Redoak Boutique Beer Cafe, located in Sydney: Redoak Christmas Cheer. Redoak has an impressive repertoire of over 40 beers, and of their Christmas Cheer they write:
This beer is a rich full bodied dark ale with all the delicious ingredients of our grandmothers pudding, the alcohol content will please and the aroma and flavour will certainly surprise you. It brings back the fond memories of a festive season on these cold winter nights. This beer has to be tasted to be truly believed – it is sure to surprise you.
It’s 6.2% alcohol, and I have to say, the "grandmother’s (Christmas) pudding" character sounds intriguing. Pudding in the English sense of course… more of a bread or cake-like pudding. Yum.
BeerAdvocate score: 7 reviews, 3.79/5, 100% approval. RateBeer score: 3.55/5, 82nd percentile.