Advent Beer Calendar 2008: Day 17: First Snow Ale
Today’s pick is from a brewery that originated in Spartanburg, South Carolina, and has since spread out to cover Georgia, Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland: RJ Rockers, and the beer is their First Snow Ale.
I found this description of First Snow here:
The First Snow Ale is an American-style pale ale, moderately hopped with Willamette and Czech Saaz. It also happens to have 15 pounds of honey and almost every spice in the cabinet thrown in: cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, orange peel and allspice.
It’s about 6% alcohol by volume and is available in the southeast through the winter months. Of course, the first snow may have already arrived; but don’t let that stop your enjoyment!
BeerAdvocate grade: A- (10 reviews). RateBeer score: 2.73/5 (3 reviews).