Beer Tycoon

There’s been a new game announced that caught my eye: Beer Tycoon. Is this for real? Is sounds real, but it also sounds, well, like a spoof.

Now Frogster Interactive is giving gamers and drinkers the opportunity to simulate making money selling their beloved drink. Beer Tycoon will also be the first game where players will be in charge of brewing their favorite beers. To be released in January 2007, it’s being developed by tycoon experts Virtual Playground.

Gamers have numerous options in the game. They start with a handful of brewery buildings and try to build up to an international big brand corporation. For this, they have to manage all necessary things. From recruiting and marketing to the development of new products – and these are only a few of the many important tasks facing intending brewery managers.

This might be a fun game. I wonder how accurate it will be in the brewing part of the game—or if it actually does that at all, if the games focused more on the economical simulation.



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