Black Noddy Lager
Black Noddy is a Schwarzbier from Buckbean Brewing in Reno, Nevada, one of the four that they sent me. Buckbean, as you’ll recall, is one of the few (but growing number of) craft brewers who can their beers.
Black Noddy is 5.2% alcohol by volume and is easy-drinking like a Schwarzbier should be. Here’s their description:
This is a traditional Bavarian Schwarzbier style with a deep color and a smooth rich flavor. Specially roasted malts give the black color and mild roastiness to this beer while Munich, Caramel, and Honey malts add depth and character to the malt flavor. Moderately hopped with noble aroma varieties to achieve a perfect balance and a clean finish this beer is a perfect complement to smoked, grilled, and roasted foods, flavorful meats and cheeses or chocolate desserts.
Appearance: Black color with red-brown tints when held to the light. Fairly flat pour, there’s a brown touch of foam that doesn’t last.
Smell: Pretty clean nose with a touch of floral hops and chocolate.
Taste: Roasted malts that are dry but not burnt or astringent; nice bit of charred wood builds after in the back of the mouth. Clean and crisp. There are some hops—a touch herbal—but really a clean lager profile. Smoky notes comes out as it warms.
Mouthfeel: Clean, medium-bodied, with a smoky, dry finish.
Overall: A nicely-crafted Schwarzbier, roasty, smoky and dark without the heavy presence of a Porter. Enjoyable.
On BeerAdvocate, it scores an overall grade of B. On RateBeer, it scores 3.3 out of 5 and is in their 71st percentile.