McMenamins’ Terminator Stout is 25 years old this week

I just discovered that one of McMenamins‘ flagship beers, their Terminator Stout, is turning 25 years old this week on November 19th. Apparently it was the 12th beer brewed by McMenamins—not just the 12th beer at a particular McMenamins location, but their 12th ever. So this Friday they’ve got a … Continue reading

The Dissident v2.0

Deschutes Brewery is about to unleash The Dissident, their Flanders Oud Bruin-style wild ale, with an official release party this Friday the 19th (both in Bend and Portland). This year’s version is 10% alcohol by volume (the original was billed at 9%) and it should be interesting to compare side-by-side … Continue reading

Quick review: Mt. Hood Brewing (& Ice Axe Grill)

Quick review: Mt. Hood Brewing (& Ice Axe Grill)

This past Saturday I had occasion to make a very quick trip up to Portland (actually only into Gresham), and on the way home we (my dad, my brother, and I) were passing through Government Camp and decided to stop for lunch at the Ice Axe Grill, which is also … Continue reading

Pumpkin beers from Oregon brewers

I’m not sure what it is about commercial pumpkin beers, but to a large extent they seem to be an East Coast phenomenon—I seem to see more bottled pumpkin beers from the eastern half of the country each year than elsewhere. (Though this might be changing.) And when it comes … Continue reading

Another brewery rumor

Perhaps this should be filed under “brewmors.” But on the topic of new breweries in Bend, rumor has it that there could be another at some point (probably next year at the very earliest). All I’ve heard for sure is that someone bought a five-barrel brewing system from Boneyard Beer … Continue reading

Bend Brewery Fever: Yes, another: Below Grade Brewing

I could not make this up: after yesterday’s newspaper article and post about Old Mill Brew Werks, Bend’s eighth (proposed) brewery, I take a look at the Business section of the paper and work this morning and nearly spit out my coffee: another brewery planning to open! Titled “11 breweries … Continue reading

Hop Press: Noble Brewing, Bend, Oregon

Over on my Hop Press blog this weekend, I wrote about the up-and-coming Noble Brewing here in Bend. Slated to open (probably) in early January 2011, Noble will up Bend’s brewery count to seven (nine for the area total). Incidentally, that’s about 1 brewery for every 11,500 people, more per … Continue reading

Hopworks Urban Brewery

Hopworks Urban Brewery

Our Labor Day trip to Portland yielded a first-time visit to the iconic Hopworks Urban Brewery, fast becoming one of Portland’s premier microbreweries thanks to their solid beer, good food and emphasis on green, organic, sustainable lifestyles. No exaggeration—if anything, I’m understating; they have taken a thorough approach to this: … Continue reading

The Session #43: Welcoming the New Kids

The Session #43: Welcoming the New Kids

It’s the first Friday of September, so that means it’s time again for another round of The Session! The Session is a group blogging effort hosted each month by a different blogger (who gets to select the topic for the month) where anyone and everyone who wants to participate only … Continue reading