Steelhead Brewing, Eugene, Oregon

Steelhead Brewing, Eugene, Oregon

Just over a week ago we made a quick but infrequent trip over to Eugene for the relative luxury of trip actually devoted to beer: the goal was to visit the Bier Stein (on friends’ recommendation; more on that soon), but they don’t open until 2pm on Sundays so we … Continue reading

Double Mountain Brewery

Double Mountain Brewery

Double Mountain Brewery, in Hood River, Oregon, is located literally just around the corner from Full Sail Brewing, on the corner of 4th and Columbia. That’s not the only connection; brewmaster Matt Swihart was former head brewer at Full Sail for a good number of years before opening Double Mountain … Continue reading

Hood River, Oregon

We did a day trip to Hood River, Oregon, mostly for fruit picking (cherries and blueberries are the fruit of the season right now), but true to form, I have some beer notes as well. In particular, we arrived just in time for Double Mountain Brewery to open for lunch, … Continue reading

SKW Brewing in Newport, Oregon

It’s funny how people seem to catch wind of something like a new microbrewery at the same time; in this particular case I’m referring to SKW Brewing, the new (less than a year old) ultra-micro (perhaps “nano”) brewery over in Newport, Oregon. I was completely unaware of it until last … Continue reading

Stone Brewing, 2009 version

Stone Brewing, 2009 version

I first visited—and wrote about—Stone Brewing two years ago, back when their World Bistro & Gardens was still fairly new. New enough, in fact, that the “Gardens” part of that name was still just-planted and a bit under-landscaped (as you can tell from my pictures last year). This time around, … Continue reading

San Diego beer notes: Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing

Oggi’s Pizza & Brewing is another mainstay of the San Diego brewing scene, one I’ve reviewed before and visited several times now (each visit to San Diego we go there). In fact, Oggi’s is a chain of brewpubs, with a ton of locations. This time around, we visited two. The … Continue reading

San Diego beer notes: San Diego Brewing

Our first night in San Diego last week we visited San Diego Brewing for dinner and beer. SD Brewing is a favorite of my brother’s, and—like Stone Brewing—they offer an impressive taplist of beers as well as their own house beers. I’ve reviewed them before, back in 2004 (wow, five … Continue reading

Portland’s getting another new brewpub: Hobo Brewing

Jeff reports that Portland is getting yet another brewpub soon: Hobo Brewing. Hobo will be a microbrewery in the old sense–3.5 to five barrels. For the moment, Hobo only occupies the bottom floor, but they hope to be able to expand to the second floor in the future. I think … Continue reading

Reminder: $1.50 pints at Widmer’s Gasthaus

I’d be remiss if I didn’t remind you all that tomorrow, April 2nd, Widmer is serving up $1.50 pints at their Gasthaus all day. It’s in celebration of their 25th anniversary, and if you leave near Portland, you’d be insane not to go. Of course, I imagine the Gasthaus will … Continue reading

Barley Brown’s Brewpub

Barley Brown’s Brewpub

From my last post you know I visited Barley Brown’s Brewpub this weekend, and already posted some notes on the beer sampler. Now I’ve had time to write up a more complete review. (Quick correction to my last post, as well: the Hot Blonde I sampled turned out not to … Continue reading