Three Creeks Brewing Company – officially open in Sisters, OR

Three Creeks Brewing Company – officially open in Sisters, OR

I received a couple of emails today regarding Central Oregon’s newest microbrewery, Three Creeks Brewing Company, located in Sisters. The first was from Wade Underwood, the owner, letting me know that they are officially open for business (a few weeks early). The other was from Geoffrey of, with a … Continue reading

New blog following a brewery start-up

I don’t know if I’d call starting a small brewery a "start-up" (like a Bay Area tech company or something) but I like it. Joey of Cigar City Brewing writes: I’m opening a small batch brewery in Tampa, FL and when I started I decided that I’d blog the entire … Continue reading

Some notes and pictures of Rogue

Some notes and pictures of Rogue

We visited Rogue in Newport, Oregon, this past weekend, and while I didn’t do the full review treatment, I did snap a few pictures and have some things to write about. Aside from Rogue’s Dead Guy Ale being on tap around town (naturally), there are three primary Rogue locations you … Continue reading

A stop at the Rogue

Coming up in the next day or so: some photos from the Rogue Brewery (and Distillery) over in Newport (Oregon), and some notes about it. Not a full review, though we had dinner at the Public House on the Bayfront; more of a mini-review, I suppose. I’m sure I’ve expressed … Continue reading

Inside Deschutes

Back on the 3rd (it’s the 14th already? Where’s this month going?), I met with Jason Randles, one of the marketing gurus I’ve been corresponding with at Deschutes Brewery, and got an "insider’s tour" of the brewery. We also talked a bit about blogging, beer, other breweries, and this whole … Continue reading

Golden Valley Brewery

Golden Valley Brewery

Over the final weekend of Spring Break, we visited some friends up in McMinnville (Oregon), home of Golden Valley Brewery. I got a chance to stop in briefly—long enough to try the sampler and snap a couple of quick pictures—just enough to write up an initial review. The outside of … Continue reading

Irish Beer Week: The Breweries of Ireland

Irish Beer Week: The Breweries of Ireland

Ron Pattinson’s European Beer Guide has the best and most comprehensive listing of Irish breweries that I’ve ever seen. It’s definitive and up-to-date. Not only does Pattinson give a fantastic list of breweries (and their beers, when applicable), but he’s dug deeply into historic numbers and statistics (which anyone who … Continue reading

Lucky Labrador Brewpub

Lucky Labrador Brewpub

Since I was wrapped up in Theme Week last week, I hadn’t had a chance to write up reviews from our Portland trip a couple of weeks ago. We managed to get one brewery visit in: the Hawthorne brewpub for the Lucky Labrador Brewing Company. Their Hawthorne Avenue location, in … Continue reading

Quick notes: Deschutes’ The Abyss and Double Black

On Saturday we had lunch at Deschutes Brewery and I had to post some notes about a couple of great beers. First, The Abyss, of course. Now I haven’t opened the bottle the Brewery sent me to review yet, but I couldn’t stop at the brewpub and not order this … Continue reading

American Macro Week: Another tasting

American Macro Week: Another tasting

A few days before I started American Macro Week, Wilson over at brewvana hosted a tasting of his own of three macros: Bud Light, Coors Light, and Miller Lite. Good timing! His was a blind tasting, though, of the three, rather than a review comparison like I did. Still, the … Continue reading