Fermentation Friday: The craziest thing ever brewed with
The final Friday of the month has been designated as "Fermentation Friday" for homebrew beer bloggers—think of it as a companion to The Session (which is the first Friday). This month’s FF is hosted by Travis of CNYBrew.com, and he asks the question:
What is the craziest concoction you ever came up with, on the fly or prepped, to brew with?
I’ve been rolling that question around in my head for a few days and I regret to say, I can’t think of anything truly crazy that I’ve brewed with. But here’s a list of some of the things I have used in brewing, so I’ll throw the craziness issue out to the masses:
- Pumpkin – naturally. When I brew my pumpkin ale, I use real pumpkin and pumpkin pie spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves).
- Licorice – actually brewer’s licorice, the stuff you can buy at the homebrew supply store, so that’s pretty tame.
- Juniper berries
- Various fruits: apples, cherries, apricots, strawberries (in a mead).
- Chocolate, but really what homebrewer hasn’t tried chocolate?
- Hops that I grew or picked myself.
Hm, that’s a pretty tame list, nothing really outrageous there at all. Now I pretty much have to brew something crazy. And blog about it, of course.
My wife laughed at me when I tried maple syrup as a marinate for a steak. I wonder how that would work for beer?
Oddly enough, I’m marinading a steak as I type this in a mix that contains maple syrup…
I also want to make a pancake or french toast brew some time…