Laurelwood Brewing & Zupan’s Markets Farm to Market Hazy Double IPA

Laurelwood Brewing & Zupan's Markets Farm to Market Hazy Double IPA

For the 28th installment of the Farm to Market collaboration beer series from Zupan’s Markets, the Portland specialty grocery chain partnered with Laurelwood Brewing to craft a Hazy Double IPA that is available exclusively at Zupan’s locations.

The company’s PR agency sent me samples of this Hazy Double, which is 8.6% alcohol by volume (no mention of IBUs). It contains a variety of grains including flaked oats, flaked wheat, and spelt, and is brewed with six different hops. The press release description says:

The Farm to Market Hazy Double IPA offers a smooth, resiny grapefruit flavor with a tropical, dank citrus aroma, set against a backdrop of rosy straw-orange haze and a light yellow-orange tan head. The beer is crafted from a blend of premium malts and a diverse selection of hops for a complex yet balanced profile.

Let’s get into my review notes!

Appearance: Opaquely hazy with an orange golden color that catches the light nicely. Fluffy off-white head.

Smell: Fruity and tropical with bright citrus, orange juiciness, a bit of freshly sliced papaya, passion fruit. Slight peppery note with the telltale hint of allium (garlic scapes).

Taste: Nice and big yet soft bitterness with a soft, sweetish malt and ripe stone fruit flavor—plums, apricots. The hops also have a touch of piney spiciness, slightly earthy, and good citrus character going more toward caracara/sweet orange with some pithy rind.

Mouthfeel: Medium-full body, the proteins boost the feel yet keep it soft on the tongue. Lingering fruity hop oiliness.

Overall: Pretty nice with good flavors and aromas; it doesn’t drink like a DIPA which could be a bit dangerous.

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