Mojo India Pale Ale
Catching up on my reviews (but not entirely in my beers), tonight’s is Mojo India Pale Ale, from Boulder Beer Company in Colorado (warning: annoying Flash site with popups). Good beer, nothing gimmicky or experimental going on here, just a solid IPA at 6.8% alcohol by volume. Not my favorite IPA of all time, but not the worst, either.
Appearance: Clear and golden—the color of honey. Bone-white head on top, very nice.
Smell: Hops—floral and citrusy. Not overwhelming, but the hops are the dominant aroma here.
Taste: Pleasantly fruity from the hops, along with grassy (green) hoppiness. The malt is light and refreshing. You can just taste the alcohol simmering beneath all else…
Mouthfeel: Thin for an IPA. Smooth. Almost a juice-like character.
On BeerAdvocate, the beer scores 87 out of 100 with an impressive 99% approval rate. On RateBeer, it’s a similar story, 3.66 out of 5 and in the 91st percentile for its style.