OBF 2011 Android app
If you’re an Android users (I am), there’s an Oregon Brewfest app available for your phone or tab:
View all 85 beers in this year’s Oregon Brewers Festival.
Sort the beers by Name, Brewer, Style, ABV, and IBU.
View detailed information about beer and give it your own rating.
Click on the menu to share with your friends about what beer you are drinking and what you think about it.
Click on the brewer’s logo and check out their website for more information about them.
I downloaded and looked at it last night, and it looks like a pretty handy little app: not only does it contain a sortable list of all the beers and their descriptions, but it also lets you rate them and (the real value if it’s accurate) the location of that beer at the fest—which table at which tent. I’ll be trying it out this weekend while I’m there, but it looks promising.