Batch of Pumpkin Ale

I started a batch of my Pumpkin Ale this evening, five gallons of it, and now the house smells like sweet wort and pumpkin pie. I think it’ll turn out to be a good beer, no problems at all tonight, not even a runaway hot break (which leads to a … Continue reading

Pabst Brewing Remnants

Interesting story on the AP that I picked up from on the historical remnants being unearthed at the now-defunct Pabst headquarters. A yellowed visitors’ registry and vintage photographs uncovered in a basement storage area of the former brewing complex provide a link to the rich heritage of Pabst, once … Continue reading

Too far for a beer?

Too far for a beer? A woman has been arrested for digging up her dead boyfriend’s ashes from a cemetery more than 10 years ago and drinking the beer that was buried with him, possibly out of spite for his family, authorities say. I have to wonder: why was he … Continue reading



The 2004 Jubelale from Deschutes Brewery has been out for about a month now, and it’s quite tasty. I hadn’t yet seen this year’s label though until my wife picked up a six-pack this week. Each year Deschutes commissions a (relatively) local artist to create a label for that year’s … Continue reading

Some November Events

The International Mead Festival is taking place November 5th and 6th (this weekend) in Boulder, Colorado. It bills itself as "the worlds’ largest and most prestigious mead competition and festival." Saturday, November 6th is the Georgia Craft Brew Challenge in Atlanta. This is interesting because in Georgia, apparently, beer can’t … Continue reading

MacTarnahan dies at 89

Robert Malcolm "Mac" MacTarnahan, patron saint to Portland Brewing, died Monday night. OregonLive has a pretty good article here. In 1985, he became enamored of Bert Grant’s pioneering brewery and brewpub — the first brewpub in America since Prohibition — in Yakima, Wash., and tried to buy into the business. … Continue reading

More beer sites

Following up on my earlier post about beer-related websites, here’s some more. PubCrawler: A directory-type site that offers user reviews, decent enough brewery listings, upcoming events. Honestly, though, it makes my eyes bleed. RateBeer: User ratings of beer. Seems to have a better, more logical structure than the other similar … Continue reading

Article on Silver Moon Brewing

This article on Silver Moon Brewing appeared in today’s Bend Bulletin (our local newspaper), detailing the new tasting room opening the end of November. That’s pretty cool, I know Tyler and he’s done really good work with the brew shop and his brewery. What will be different at the new … Continue reading

Some Oregon breweries not to be missed

Sorry for not updating the last couple of days, but I’m back for tonight with some of my favorite Oregon breweries that should be visited by any serious beer hunter. You could consider this a sort of brewery tour. Starting in my hometown of Bend, the Deschutes Brewery is the … Continue reading

Another pumpkin ale recipe

Found another pumpkin ale recipe today on Usenet, an all-grain one named "Jack’s Lantern Pumpkin Ale." You can check it out here on Google Groups. Sounds like it might be pretty good.