The next Session: What’s with the USA?
The next edition of The Session is coming up in a week, on Friday, September 6th, and this time around it’s being hosted by Ding of dingsbeerblog, and he asks, What the hell has America done to beer?
Anyone with any inkling of my online, in-person and blogging presence in the American beer world since 2000, will know that the whole of my beer experience in that time has been colored by, sits against the backdrop of, and forms the awkward juxtaposition to, my English beer heritage and what has been happening the USA in the last few years. Everyone knows that I have been very vocal about this for a very long time, so when it came to thinking about what would be a great ‘Session’ topic, outside of session beer, it seemed like that there could be only one topic; ‘What the hell has America done to beer?‘, AKA, ‘USA versus Old World Beer Culture‘.
Well this should be a lively topic! Post your thoughts on this question next Friday and be sure to comment on the original post or sent Ding a link to your post.